Torque Wrench

Our torque wrench is applicable to the occasions where the value of tightening torque needs to be constant. Once the torque reaches the presetting value, this product will click. It will automatically reset when the external torque disappears. The error value is controlled within 4%. The sleeve needs to be purchased additionally.

Main Specifications

Item Number Specification Torque Range (N·m)
05191 LJB-B3-3 72-200
05192 LJB-BX4-3 120-300
Inquiry Form

Ningbo Huaxiang Dongfang Machinery and Tools of Power Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Huaxiang Import and Export Co., Ltd.(Our Sister Company)
We export products under the name of our sister company.

Tel.: +86-574-88393945
Fax: +86-574-88393666